South Texas Entertainment Art Music

Putting Music to Life's Stories
STEAM How did you come up with the name? Who is Rukkus?
DRB One of our first shows was at the Backwoods Saloon in Ingleside TX. During one of our breaks an old rough stopped me at the bar and said, "For you boy's just being four of you, you sure are making a whole lot of Rukkus." So, the Dave Rukkus Band was born.
STEAM How did you band together this group of musicians? Please give me short bios on everyone.
DRB Very fortunate to have an amazing network of musicians but most recently forming a traveling band that consist of:
Gabriel Sanchez- from Robstown TX- Bass- is a childhood friend that I've known my whole life he's played with various bands recorded various albums has been the Bands bass player for 2yrs.
Joe Suringer-Sinton TX- Drums- is in my opinion one of the best drummers in South Texas. This guy is so versatile and talented that he can keep a beat on anything. He's played with the best of the best and all sorts of genres. I'm lucky to have him
Nick Garcia- Wimberly TX-Lead guitar - This guy is a hidden talent that has been in the Texas music scene in Austin and New Braunfels area his shredding solos and smooth tone set him apart from a lot of players I've heard.
Dave Villarreal- Robstown TX- Lead vocals and rhythm guitar; I discovered at a very early age that music would be a huge part of my life. I was influenced by my father and uncles, all musicians, to pursue music. Songwriting is my passion and composing melodies and musical poetry of life stories is the real stuff.
STEAM How do you choose which songs fit your style?
DRB My Texas roots dig deep and our music is true stories of life experiences; the mood and soft tones soothe the soul and reach deep into your heart.
STEAM Tell me about your original songs. What inspires the music you write?
DRB “Live Oak County Girl” Is about my loving wife and the story of how we met and the love and memories we've made together. “Nobody’s Home” is a song of how sometimes after being married for a while the spark starts to fade and its very important to take time to show your significant other that you love them no different than the first day you met.
STEAM Do you have an album out now? Are you planning on going into a studio or are you already recording?
DRB Our album is in the works and we’ve recently released two singles with plans to return to the studio very soon.
STEAM So, where can we see you?
DRB Shows range dates in Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, an entire TX tour... playing places like 151 Saloon, Midnight Rodeo, Gruene Hall, R&J Pavilion various festivals and private events. The best way to find us is by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Reverbnation.
Dave Rukkus Band on facebook.com, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Itunes, amazonmusic, spotify, and reverbnation!